Broken Glass Lyon & MAHO: The Lyonnaise & Stéphanoise collaboration

Broken Glass Lyon & MAHO: The Sublimated Art of Dom Pérignon Bottles

In the heart of the dynamic city of Lyon, Broken Glass stands out for its innovative approach to the art of recovery. Specialist in transforming alcohol bottles into unique paintings and custom decorative objects, Broken Glass captures the hidden beauty of everyday objects to transform them into works of art. Each creation is a story, an ode to reinvention and uniqueness. Imagine: your favorite bottle, transfigured into a personalized painting, a mirror of your essence.

A tailor-made frame for MAHO, New Star of Saint-Étienne

December 2023 marks the opening of MAHO, a festive restaurant in Saint-Étienne, promising an unforgettable experience in a vibrant and festive universe. It is in this context that the collaboration between Broken Glass and MAHO takes on its full meaning. Together, they designed a centerpiece: a custom-made frame, in the shape of a vault, perfectly embodying the spirit of the place and its visitors.

The Art of Detail: Dom Pérignon in the spotlight

This frame, the result of close collaboration between craftsmen and artists, incorporates bottles of Dom Pérignon, a symbol of festivity and prestige. Each glass fragment, carefully selected and placed, tells a story of celebration, reflecting the soul of MAHO. This work is not just a decorative object; it is a point of convergence where art, history and craftsmanship meet to create a unique atmosphere.

A Symbolic Collaboration

The synergy between Broken Glass and MAHO perfectly illustrates Broken Glass' mission: to reveal the unsuspected beauty of recycled materials and offer a second life to objects steeped in history. This collaboration, anchored in creativity and innovation, establishes a bridge between the art of recovery and the art of living, between Lyon and Saint-Étienne.

An Invitation to Wonder

The collaboration between Broken Glass Lyon and MAHO is more than just a commercial association; it is a celebration of art, party and reinvention. It invites everyone to rediscover everyday objects in a new light, transformed into unique masterpieces. Through this custom work, Broken Glass and MAHO remind us that behind every object, there is a story, a possibility of art and beauty, ready to be revealed.

Join the Adventure of Unique Creation

Do you own a restaurant, a bar, a nightclub, or any other place dedicated to conviviality and want to offer your customers a unique visual experience? Broken Glass is your ideal partner to transform your space into a living art gallery, where each work tells a story, that of your place and its uniqueness.

Our custom creations, whether paintings made from alcohol bottles or other reinvented everyday objects, add a touch of originality and prestige to your establishment. Each piece is a celebration of the art of recovery, designed to captivate, move, and connect.

Are you considering bringing your project to life?

Do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can explore the limitless possibilities of artistic creation and design a work perfectly aligned with the soul of your place. Broken Glass Lyon is ready to turn your vision into reality.

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